Westmorland and Furness Council approve setting of council tax.

Westmorland and Furness Council have just formally agree the setting of the new council tax for the new district of Westmorland and Furness for 2023/24.
Band D properties in Penrith will see a total council tax bill from April of £2,211.61 including the Westmorland and Furness council tax and the Police and Fire precepts along with the town council precept.
The council tax levels are set across 8 bands from A to H the bands that will be set for Penrith on Tuesday are proposed as:
Band A £1,474.40
Band B £1,720.15
Band C £1,965.88
Band D £2,211.61
Band E £2,703.07
Band F £3,194.55
Band G £3,686.01
Band H £4,423.22
All 4 Penrith councillors on the new Westmorland and Furness Council
Cllr P Bell - Libdem Penrith North
Cllr V Taylor - Libdem Penrith South
Cllr M Rudhall - Libdem Penrith North
Cllr M Eyles - Libdem Penrith South
Voted in favour of the setting of the council tax that will see Penrith paying some of the highest increases in the Westmorland and Furness council district.
What do you think about the council tax and the increase?
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