Vandals leave trail of destruction in Penrith overnight.

Town planters and litter bins targeted in appalling act of vandalism

Penrith, woke up to a scene of destruction this morning as vandals wreaked havoc in the town overnight. Town planters were left in disarray with plants torn out by the roots, and litter bins were maliciously attacked. This incident adds to a disturbing trend of vandalism occurring with increasing frequency in Penrith.

A concerned local resident stumbled upon the aftermath of the destruction while on his way to work. He expressed his dismay, stating, "Coming back from work in the morning, I found a disgusting act of vandalism in Penrith right next to the Italian restaurant."

Our reporter took the opportunity to speak with members of the public who were passing by the scene. They expressed their anger and disbelief at the mindless act, with one lady stating, "What goes through their heads? It's disgusting."

A Council workers while cleaning up the litter bin located near the Penrith tourist information center, commented on the incident, saying, "They have ripped this bin apart and thrown the rubbish all over. It's becoming a regular occurrence in Penrith, with bins being pulled apart and litter strewn around."

Penrith has in recent years faced a yearly battle with vandalism of the towns floral displays and growing trend of acts of vandalism in the town.

Antisocial behaviour in Penrith has seen a growing trend that subsequently increased during the pandemic with arson attacks, vandalism and other antisocial acts showing a sustained levels in Penrith since 2020.

What should be done about the growing levels of vandalism and antisocial behaviour in Penrith?

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