Town Councillors Informed Recently Established CastleTown Community Group has been Disbanded

Town councillor B Jayson has updated town councillors at a meeting on Monday evening that the recently established CastleTown Community Action Group established in January by a former town councillor and local residents has this afternoon (Monday 25th March) been disbanded.

The group of local residents formed the group in January with former town council member Mr Thomson who resigned from Penrith Town Council in January triggering a By election due to take place on May 2nd.

The CastleTown Community Action Group members recently worked to refurbish and replace a notice board in CastleTown and also lobbied the town council to support a call for a 20mph speed limit through CastleTown.

The groups facebook page has today had all its content removed, it’s understood from local residents that tensions around participation in the group by Westmorland and Furness councillors for Penrith South Cllr Taylor and Cllr Eyles resulted in the group disbanding today just months after forming.

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