Members of Penrith Town Councils Finance committee will convene a staffing sub committee meeting on the 17th of April to consider in private a complaint made against a member of the council’s staff by a former town councillor.
The councillors will be asked to first appoint a chair and vice chair of the staffing subcommittee before considering a report by the council’s legal officer on the complaint submitted against a senior officer of the council made by a former councillor.
The town council has said that the matter will be discussed in a private meeting by councillors as the complaint “relates to an individual member of staff, and to disclose decisions would be a breach of the obligations of the Council under the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018 and is prejudicial to the public interest.”
The town council complaints policy sets out the procedures the staffing committee will have to follow in dealing with the complaint including allowing members of the committee to ask any question of the complainant or their representative and ask any question of the Town Clerk or other member of staff or Councillor regarding the complaint.
The Town Clerk, staff and Councillors, and then the complainant are offered the opportunity of a last word before the Town Clerk, staff and the complainant leave the room while members of the committee decide whether the grounds for the complaint have been made.
The parties return to hear the decision of the committee and any actions the committee decides to take, The decision by the committee on the complaint may be made public at a future town Council meeting.