Penrith Town Council will meet on Monday evening to set its budget for 2025/26 and set its council tax precept demand that will be paid for by households across Penrith as part of the annual council tax bill.
The Proposed Budget 2025/26 will see a budget expenditure of £594,519 with precept demand of £514,740, paid by Penrith households in Council Tax precept alongside the amounts set by Westmorland and Furness Council, Cumbria Police and Cumbria Fire and Rescue.
The proposed town council precept for 2025/26 of £514,740 is an increase of £27,005 from the 2024/25 precept of £487,735.
The taxbase determined by Westmorland and Furness Council used in the setting of the council tax for Penrith has increased from 5812 to 6133 providing some ability for the town council to increase its overall precept with a Band D property paying £83.92 for the town council as part of the council tax.
The salaries paid to staff in 2025/26 are budgeted to be £330,985 covering the biggest single expenditure for the town councils with a further £16,960 in the budget for the town council office rent and running costs and £22,000 for town council IT costs and £10,000 for town council corporate communications that includes the town council email newsletters, social media, and paid for press advertising.
The town council has also allocated just £15,000 in its budget for the delivery of the new May Day event that the town council has now taken over the running of.
In the current financial year the town council has dished out £29,142 in grants awarded to:
Meals on Wheels £2,500 - Start a new service into Penrith
Penrith Rugby Club £3,000 - Installation of Solar Panels
Penrith BID £3,099 - Town Centre Greening Project
Eden Dodgeball Club £575 - New Under 15 years Dodgeball Group
Bluejam Arts £3,480 - Family painting sessions, 1yr Project
Wetheriggs Utd FC £2,000 - Clubhouse Furniture
Carleton Park Group £5,000 - Multi Use Games Area at Carleton Park
Penrith Cricket Club £1,000 - Refurbished toilets and disabled ramp
Euphoric Circus £2,500 - Programme of activity sessions for young people delivered in Penrith
Growing Well £750 - Transport to access services
Talkin Tables £400 - Marketing events
Fellrunner Bus Service £3,000 - Provision of bus service
Penrith Pumas WRC £1,838 - Equipment
The council also has a signature events grant budget of £10,000 used to provide grants to:
Eden Arts £5,000 Winter Droving
Penrith BID £5,000 Christmas Sparkle