The North South divide across Westmorland and Furness.

Claims of unequal treatment by the new council as Penrith and Eden residents face higher charges under Westmorland and Furness Council have been made by Evolve Penrith as disparity over charges for services from the new council emerge.

Residents of Penrith and across the former Eden District Council area have already had the single biggest council tax increase across Westmorland and Furness, and now they're also being hit with unequal charges for services by the council.

Prior to the replacement of the county and district councils by the new Westmorland and Furness Council on April 1st, a consultation was held on the new council tax system. Westmorland and Furness council decided that all areas of the district should be treated equally when it comes to council tax charges. However, this resulted in Penrith and Eden residents facing the biggest increase of 5.95%, while those in Barrow only received a 2.85% increase.

The new Westmorland and Furness council also announced its new car parking charges, which came into effect on April 10th. Unfortunately for residents of Penrith and Eden, charges in all carparks in the area received an increase.

Penrith's long stay carparks have been hit particularly hard. Those staying for up to 1 hour now face a rise of 20p, up to 2 hours has increased by 20p, up to 4 hours by 40p, and up to 10 hours by 50p. Meanwhile, the town's short stay carparks at Princes street have also increased, with up to 1 hour now costing £1.50, a 20p rise, and up to 2 hours costing £2.40, a 30p rise.

However, it has come to light that equalisation in Westmorland and Furness is not equal for all. Residents and communities in Penrith and Eden are not only facing the biggest council tax hike in the district, but also unequal charges for council services.

For example, a person entering a car park in Penrith would face a charge of £3.90 to park up for up to 4 hours to visit the town, go shopping or have a meal in one of Penrith’s excellent cafes and restaurants. In contrast, if you visit Grange over Sands in South Lakeland, you can enter a Westmorland and Furness car park and stay all day visiting the area, its shops, cafes, and restaurants for only £1.40. 

In addition in the south of Westmorland and Furness district, you can park all day for just £1 in most of the councils' carparks if you park before 9am.

The Evolve Penrith group have said “This disparity gives a direct disadvantage to Penrith and other communities across the north of the district. It creates a direct economic impact on local businesses and residents. Visitors to the area are facing increased car parking charges, which places a direct impact on local spend in the town and discourages visitors to the area with subsidised discount parking offered in the south of the Westmorland and Furness district.”

“The reduced parking also has a direct impact on the costs of the local workforce, with all-day discounted parking for £1 in the south compared to £5.50 for someone to park all day in Penrith.”

“The new council's poster slogan says “Together we are Westmorland and Furness”. However, it appears that together, Penrith and Eden are footing the bill of the south to receive subsidies at the expense of the north of the district.”

Evolve Penrith has said it intends to take up this issue with the Westmorland and Furness Council and push for equal car parking charges for Penrith and across all former Eden Council carparks.

What do you think about the car park charges?

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