Petition against luge track presented to Westmorland and Furness Council

A Public petition with over 1350 signatures was this evening presented to Westmorland and Furness Council at the first meeting of the new councils Eden locality board during a meeting held at Penrith Town Hall.

A large group of residents attended to support Dr Ed Neil-Gallacher who started the petition a year ago to stop the development of a luge track down Blaze Fell.

The planning application originally put forward in 2021 for land at Blaze Fell, Nord Vue, Armathwaite. With the application for Change of use of land to accommodate outdoor recreational woodland-luge track, chairlift with ancillary operations building, car-parking and landscaping.

Three local parish councils Hesket Parish Council, Ainstable Parish Council, and Lazonby Parish Council all objected to the application.

The application is still live and to be determined by the new Westmorland and Furness Council as the new local planning authority.

The public attending the meeting said they were allowed to the plans that they said would damadge the local landscape.

The petition presented by Dr Ed Neil-Gallacher originally intended for Eden District Council claims the development of a concrete luge track down Blaze Fell, Is a totally inappropriate site, and would be immensely damaging to the local environment; from the felling of countless trees to the destruction and degradation of unique natural habitats. 

The petition claims locals are almost universally opposed to its development for the following reasons: 

“An immense carbon footprint it will need over 700 tonnes of concrete to construct, with unsightly support pillars visible for miles. Concrete is a notably unsustainable material with a huge carbon footprint.”

“The innate noise and air pollution of the site will be spread along the narrow roads of the Eden Valley by over 500 cars per day.”

“Accidents associated with the ride place an unnecessary burden on local ambulances and Accident+Emergency services. A similar luge track in New Zealand saw a considerable increase in Emergency attendances.”

“No ecological survey or ecological impact assessment has been performed, a cynical ploy by the developer, given the presence of protected species (The Great Crested newt) and other notable species (common lizards, adders, Natterer’s bats, badgers and hares) within the environ of the track.

Flood-risk, run-off water from the concrete tracks are widely expected to flood farms and the surrounding heathland.”

“Contamination of local water sources, the development is in a water Source Protection Zone and is adjacent to natural springs.”

“Lastly the development contravenes Eden District Council’s own planning guidance on avoiding building on open countryside and on the skyline. The construction of a double-storey restaurant and shop at the Fell top will be an architectural monstrosity visible for miles around, wholly out of keeping with the vernacular stone farmhouses dotted through the surrounding countryside.”

The petition states “it would be imprudent and hypocritical of the council to approve this, having declared a ‘’Climate and Ecological Emergency’’ in July 2019” referring to the declaration made by Eden Council. Westmorland and Furness Council declared climate and biodiversity crises.

The group oppposing the development of the Blaze Fell luge track says “it can see no way in which this development can be considered anything but an act of rural vandalism.”

The petition was presented to the Eden Locality Board by Dr Ed Neil-Gallacher with a short speech to the 16 Westmorland and Furness councillors from across the Eden area.

The chair thanked Dr Ed Neil-Gallacher and the public for attending and presenting the petition.

No further debate or discussion on the petition or the application was held by councillors leaving some members of the public a little confused and unsure of what happens next.

Some of the members of the public had attended with speeches written out expecting to be able to also speak at the meeting and a debate on the decision to take place at the meeting.

They hope to be able to speak on the application when it finally now comes before a planning committee of Westmorland and Furness council for a decision.

What do you think about the tourist attraction proposal for a luge track?

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