Emergency Road closure which has seen the top end of middlegate through the narrows in the centre of Penrith closed to traffic over the last 24 hours has caused some confusion for motorists today with many ignoring the closure and diversion signs.
The closures have been put in place for emergency work by Electricity North West on the pavement outside the barbers recently gutted by fire. Contractors for Electricity North West have refilled the hole but the pavement remains closed as it has since the fire on the 5th of July.
A spokesperson for Electricity North West has said the works are due to be finished by tomorrow, Friday August 25 with the road reopened after resurfacing work on the pavement is completed.
The confusion of the diversion has seen congestion in some parts of Penrith throughout the day and two minor bumps occurs as drivers navigated the diversion route although this evening traffic if flowing freely through the town centre ignoring the road closed signs.
One driver we spoke to this evening as they parked up in Devonshire Street said they put up these signs and then vanish there is no one working and yet they have signs up expecting us to drive halfway around the town when they are not even working on the road it’s the path with a hole dug.”