Penrith Council Tax Bills Arrive with Shock for Some

As the 1st of April coincidently also April fool’s day fast approaches marking the first full year of Westmorland and Furness Council along with the start of the new financial year for councils, bringing with it that time of year again when households across Penrith receive their council tax bills ahead of the first payment in April.

A number of people who have this week received there 2024/25 council tax bill have already taken to social media to voice their views at the increases with some commenting that they have seen normal discounts removed resulting in substantial increases on the amounts they have paid in previous years alongside the increases in the amounts that make up the council tax bill.

One commented “Just how much are we paying these councillors” another asked “how much does it cost to empty a bin”.

All parts of the council tax for Penrith residents have seen an increase this year with the bills showing increases for the Combined parts of the Westmorland and Furness Council tax including Adult Social Care of 5%, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria 4.4%, Cumbria Commissioner Fire & Rescue Authority 3% and Penrith Town Council 1%

The combined council tax amount paid by Penrith households per band for 2024/25 are:

Band A £1,543.31 Band B £1,800.54 Band C £2,057.76 Band D £2,314.97 

Band E £2,829.41 Band F £3,343.85 Band G £3,858.28 Band H £4,629.95

A new investigation by the UK’s biggest consumer website, has discovered that some 808,000 households in Scotland, England and Wales could be due a refund for overpaid Council Tax during the 2022/23 financial year with 393 councils holding a whopping £141 million in unclaimed refunds.

The investigation discovered via a freedom of information request that Westmorland and Furness Council have £342,758.47 owed to 1,888 accounts as council tax refunds.

Council tax is set each year by the elected councillors on Westmorland and Furness Council along with Precepts set by Councillors on Penrith Town Council and the Cumbria Police Fire and Crime Commissioner that combine to give the total for each household depending on the Band for the property based on a valuation set in 1991.

Penrith has 19 councillors with four on Westmorland and Furness Council and 15 on Penrith Town council with one seat currently vacant on the town council.

How does your council tax bill compare to your councillors in Penrith:

Cllr Bell           Band E £2829.41

Cllr Rudhall  Band B £1800.54 

Cllr Taylor  Band E £2829.41

Cllr Eyles  Band B £1800.54

Cllr Bowen  Band  F £3343.85

Cllr Burgin  Band A £1496.89

Cllr Donald  Band B £1800.54

Cllr Holden  Band E £2829.41

Cllr Jackson  Band B £1800.54

Cllr B Jayson Band F £3295.95

Cllr D Jayson Band F £3295.95

Cllr Kenyon    Band D £2314.97

Cllr Knaggs Band E £2829.41

Cllr Snell Band E £2829.41

Cllr Lawson Band F £3243.27 

Cllr Shepherd Band E £2829.41

Cllr Smith Band B £1800.54

Cllrs Bell, Taylor and Eyles serve as Westmorland and Furness Councillors, Cllr Rudhall on both Westmorland and Furness and Penrith Town Council. The others are all Penrith Town Councillors. The amounts shown reflect the basic council tax before any reductions that may apply.

The Precept bands are lower for Cllrs Lawson and Burgin as they are based on Hesket Parish Council precepts and both Cllr B Jayson and D Jayson as they are based on Langwathby Parish Council precepts due to living outside Penrith and not subject to the Penrith Town Council Precept and its 1% increase.

If your council tax bill has not yet arrived and your unsure of your band you can check with your postcode online at You can also use the checker to see what band neighbouring properties are in and paying compared to your property.

You can check if you are able to claim a council tax reduction online at

All data used in this report is via open public data sources Including Penrith Town Council, Westmorland and Furness Council, Legacy Cumbria County Council and Gov.UK

Has your council tax bill arrived what do you think about the increases?

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