Penrith Town Council By Election will take place on May 2nd with Four Candidates standing for the vacant seat for Penrith West created after the former independent Councillor Jeff Thomson elected in May 2023 resigned from the town council in January.
The by election will see the four candidates battle for votes from residents in Penrith West covering Castletown and parts of Brunswick road and Town head area.
The candidates announced by Westmoreland and Furness Council this afternoon are:
Jonathan Davies - Putting People and Place First
Susan Davies – Liberal Democrats
Phil Laycock – Conservative Party Candidate
Daniel Sencier – Labour Party
Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by midnight on Tuesday April 16 2024. Applications can be made online at:
Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday April 16 2024.
The rules for postal voting have now changed and postal voters are encouraged to use the Royal Mail envelope provided with the postal vote pack, wherever possible.
Anyone returning a postal vote by hand to the Local Returning Officer must complete a postal vote return form. A postal vote returned by hand that is not accompanied by a postal vote return form will be rejected.
There are also new limits on the number of postal votes that can be handed in by one person. Electors who wish to hand their postal vote in at the polling stations or designated council offices must complete a postal vote return form for the postal vote to be accepted. Postal votes should not be put through the council letter boxes or via internal council mail boxes as these will have to be rejected.
Anyone voting in person will have to show a form of photo ID. Anyone without an eligible form of ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC).
Applications for a VAC or an Anonymous Elector’s Document valid for these elections must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024. Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate can be made online
Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024.
Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Thursday 2nd May 2024.