Penrith and Eden Ruled Out as Potential Hosts for UK's Geological Disposal Facility

It has emerged that over the past two years, geological investigations and discussions have taken place to evaluate the potential of Penrith and Eden as a location to host the UK Nuclear Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), which aims to provide a safe and long-term solution for the disposal of higher activity radioactive waste. The Area was proposed by a local organisation but work over last two years has discovered the geological makeup of Penrith and Eden to be unsuitable for constructing a GDF.

The Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), responsible for managing the delivery of the GDF project, has been collaborating with individuals, organisations and communities across the UK in the search for an appropriate host community. While Penrith and Eden were evaluated, it emerged that the necessary geological conditions to safely accommodate a GDF are not present in the area.

Nuclear Waste Services has been actively engaging with communities in other parts of West Cumbria, to explore potential host locations. Community partnerships and working groups have been established and are working in the former Allerdale and Copeland areas to involve the local communities in the decision-making process.

Nuclear Waste Services emphasises that a GDF cannot be constructed without the approval of the community that would be directly affected by its presence. To guarantee transparency and community involvement, a multi-year consent-based approach is being used. 

It’s understood that although Penrith and Eden will not be able to host the UK Geological Disposal Facility directly the potential of the area as a serving and support centre if one of the West Cumbria communities are selected to host the GDF has potential due to the road and rail links with the rest of the UK.

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