New Chair Person of Penrith Royal British Legion Elected at AGM

Penrith branch of the Royal British Legion held its AGM on Tuesday in Penrith to form a new committee and allow the branch to take back local control of its own running after been under the control of the county association for some time.

The members of the Penrith Branch of the Royal British Legion held their AGM at the Eden Rural Foyer and received an update on the local branch finances and what was involved for those who stepped forward to be on the new committee.

The AGM also stepped into the the digital age with some members unable to attend in person joining via zoom to take part in then meeting and voting.

The Penrith Branch members elected Kerryanne Wilde as the new chairperson of the Penrith Branch of the Royal British Legion.

Kerryanne thanked the members for there support and the other members who have stepped forward to form the new eight-member committee.

Kerryanne has been supporting the branch in the role of secretary for the last few months and has been out locally supporting the poppy appeal and visiting local schools to talk about Remembrance Day the poppy appeal and her role in the army.

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