Major Solar Storms Heading Our Way This Weekend

This weekend could potentially see the biggest solar storms seen for many years hits earth and with it sets off powerful aurora displays in the night sky with May 11th expected to see the full impact of the flares with some early impacts as early Friday evening.

The solar storm warning comes as the sun has blasted our not one but Three large X-Flares which were ejected from sunspot region 3364 and are now hurtling towards earth expected to crash into the earths magnetic field this weekend. 

The X flares of X1.0. X2.4 and X1.1 ejected charged particles towards Earth, alongside other large M flares the X flares are expected to become a cannibal flare that will overtake the smaller flares and absorb them increasing in power as it reaches earths magnetic field causing Northern lights displays visible to the naked eye.

The Sun emitted the solar flare, peaking at at around 6:30pm on Thursday May 9, 2024. 

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of the event and the flares starting their journey towards earth.

Along of with the chance to see the Auroras in the night sky the impact of the solar flares could also trigger issues for us here on earth and our satellites in orbit including hampering satellite communication, GPS problems and cause blackouts of high-frequency radio including radio TV and mobile phones. The geomagnetic storm could also cause widespread voltage irregularities in power systems.

In 1859, the great Carrington Event, generally regarded as Earth's greatest solar storm, covered nearly the entire planet in aurora and impacts the then most advanced technology the telegraph systems that all over Europe and North America failed, in some cases giving their operators electric shocks.

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