Local Democracy Reporting Revolution with Launch of New Innovative Video System.

Local Democracy Reporting Revolution with Launch of New Innovative Video System.
Penrith.Town was established to deliver hyperlocal news and information for Penrith. Pushing the boundaries to bring fresh, free local news relevant to Penrith, including how decisions are made that impact you and the local community.
Since launch Penrith.Town has had a set of core values that includes to be pioneers and innovators, to be bold, rebellious and put people at the centre of everything, Our team has within that core ethos worked to develop and introduce a new groundbreaking local democracy reporting video system.

Developed to fostering transparency and community involvement in local decision-making by reporting on the decisions of local government, using our pioneering technology to open up the council chamber to all, offering an accessible way to view the decision-making processes that directly impact the local community.
Gone are the days of struggling to comprehend lengthy council meetings. With Penrith.Town's new indexed video system, you can now effortlessly navigate through council meetings and access specific agenda items of interest. The revolutionary system provides you with the unique opportunity to virtually step into the council chamber, gaining insights into the decision-making that shapes your community.
Penrith.Town's new local democracy video system has been developed to empower the community to witness and navigate local democracy by opening up local democracy, residents now have the power to be active participants in the process of shaping their community's future.

You can check out our new Local Democracy Video system by viewing the Westmorland and Council Cabinet meeting held on the 12th September 2023 via this link https://penrith.town/local-democracy-reporting-wfc-12923

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