Join in with the Letters To Tomorrow as part of The Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.


Every year, people come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet.

Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the country celebrate the heartfelt, brave, everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature and fight climate change. 

The first Great Big Green Week took place in September 2021, and was the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK.  Over 5,000 events celebrated how communities are taking action to tackle climate change and protect green spaces, and encouraged others to get involved too.

Communities came together once more in September 2022 to show how people everywhere are ready and willing to take action to tackle climate change. Over a quarter of a million people got involved, and national organisations, institutions, businesses and media outlets joined in, ultimately putting pressure on the government to up its game on climate change.

In 2023, Great Big Green Week will take place between 10th and 18th June.

Great Big Green Week sees everything from litter picks to letter writing, festivals to football matches, seaweed foraging to school assemblies.

Events are hosted by teachers, bus drivers, sport clubs, artists, community groups, places of worship, libraries, builders – anyone who cares about climate change.

As part of Great Big Green Week your encouraged to join in and write Letters to Tomorrow.

In your Letters to Tomorrow you can explain your hopes for future generations if our leaders step up to protect the environment – and your fears about what life could be like if we don’t slow down climate change. 

Your letter could be to your friend, child or even your future self.

You can submit your letter online or write a handwritten letter to submit and view letters to the future written by others online at

Once your letter is published on the Letters To Tomorrow website, you can share it far and wide. 

Put it on your social media channels including the hashtag #LettersToTomorrow and do tag us here at @PenrithTown so we can share your local Letters To Tomorrow. You could even tag our local MP or share your letter with Dr Neil Hudson MP directly via email.

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