Have your say on the future of Cumbria Fire and Rescue

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Peter McCall, is inviting the public to have their say on what people think the priorities should be for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, by completing a public consultation survey. The consultation will help develop the PFCC’s first Fire and Rescue Plan.

Speaking on the consultation, PFCC Peter McCall, said: “Part of my role as Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is to hear the views from Cumbrian residents.

“Your views will help shape and influence the priorities set out in the Fire and Rescue Plan for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.

“Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service will always prioritise emergency fire and rescue operations. However, this plan will help provide the fire service to focus on other goals, outside of these emergencies, based on what the public want to see.

“The consultation asks residents what matters most to them regarding Protection, Prevention and Partnerships.

“The Plan will also help me hold the Chief Fire Officer to account throughout the year, to ensure that the Service is prioritising what the public wants.

The survey is now open and will close on Monday 4 September at 12pm.

The online survey can be viewed via https://goto.penrith.town/CumbriaFireandRescuePlan

Paper copies of the survey are available from the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner . If you wish to receive a paper copy, contact the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on 01768 217734 or email commissioner@cumbria-pcc.gov.uk

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