Government Consultation on Proposes Major Changes to Permitted Development and Planning Rules

In a bid to promote well-designed development, boost housing delivery, support the agricultural sector, and stimulate economic growth, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has launched a consultation seeking public input on proposed amendments to permitted development rights in England. 

The proposed changes, if implemented, could reshape the landscape of development and planning across the country.


The consultation is open for responses until September 25, 2023. Among the headline alterations to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 are significant expansions of the right to change commercial uses to residential and agricultural uses to commercial. Notably, the changes include doubling the floorspace limit for changing commercial uses to residential, potentially allowing developments of up to 3,000 square meters.


One of the focal points of the proposals is the extension of Permitted Development rights to permit the conversion of Class E Commercial business and service properties into residential spaces. This expansion could lead to the creation of more housing options and streamline the development process. The consultation also seeks input on whether to maintain or remove the current 1,500 square meter cap on such conversions.


The consultation addresses the current requirement for premises to be vacant for three consecutive months before seeking prior approval for changing the use from Class E to residential. The proposed changes suggest removing this requirement.


While the expansion of Permitted Development rights aims to facilitate development, certain safeguards are suggested. These include limiting changes of use from Class E to residential in sensitive areas, excluding World Heritage Sites. The consultation emphasises a balance between promoting development and preserving natural and historic landmarks.


On the agricultural front, the proposed amendments seek to extend the existing permitted development right for the change of use of agricultural buildings to encompass additional rural uses such as forestry and equestrian activities. This could offer farmers and land managers the flexibility needed to diversify their businesses while potentially reducing planning hurdles.


The proposed expansion of Permitted Development rights for the temporary use of land, changes in industrial and warehousing buildings, and the inclusion of open prisons within the scope of permitted development are among other notable changes highlighted in the consultation.


As the consultation period continues, the government's long-term housing plan takes shape, envisioning new developments, housing quarters, and infrastructure projects across various regions, including a residential and commercial.


The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has also called for evidence to better understand the needs of farmers and land managers as they seek to diversify their businesses. This aligns with the strategic intention of the consultation to support growth and development by minimising the need for planning applications for specific categories of development.


The consultation represents a significant reshaping of the development and planning landscape in England. With the government focus on expanding Permitted Development rights and promoting growth, the proposed changes have the potential to significantly impact the way development projects are undertaken and executed across the country. 


Interested parties are encouraged to participate in the consultation process, which remains open for input until September 25, 2023.


The full consultation and details of the proposal can be found via

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