Flood Warning Issued for Penrith.

A flood warning has been issued that covers Penrith as river levels start to rise on the Eamont and Lowther the flood warning covers the waterways running into the Eamont including, Thacka Beck that runs through the middle of Penrith.


Levels on the Eamont and Lowther are already increasing substantially as Storm Isha arrives with the peak of the storm not forecast until the early hours of Monday morning.


The environment agency has said Flooding is possible and that those in the area covered by the warning should be prepared.


The flood warning means you need to act: flooding is expected. 

You should do all the actions for a flood alert, but also:

move vehicles to higher ground if it’s safe to do so.

move family and pets to safety.

move important items upstairs or to a safe place in your property, starting with cherished items and valuables, then furniture and furnishings.

turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if it’s safe to do so; never touch an electrical switch if you’re standing in water.

if you have property protection products such as flood barriers, or air brick covers, use them now.

keep track of the latest flood risk situation.


Flooding is already starting impact local roads and communities around Penrith with police and meet services on standby to declare a major incident as the full force of Storm Isha lands on Cumbria.

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