Eden Wombles Battling Litter, One Cleanup at a Time.

The Eden Wombles united forces today for a collective cleanup initiative in Penrith. With both seasoned volunteers and newcomers joining the cause, the group's concerted efforts resulted in the collection of 17 bags of trash and various substantial litter items. Their cleanup efforts spanned areas including Bridge Lane, King Street, Kemplay Bank roundabout, Carlton Road up to the Cross Keys, as well as the A66 footpath and lay-by between J40 and Kemplay Roundabout.

Tony Pears and Nikki Brabant,  amiliar faces in Penrith and the Eden area wielding a litter picker and a bin bag, orchestrated today's successful group litter pick. The Eden Wombles efforts have been instrumental in addressing the growing epidemic of litter that others often neglect to dispose of properly.

Over two million pieces of litter find their way onto the UK's streets daily. The Eden Wombles have collectively filled over 400 bin bags this year alone, diligently clearing discarded litter from local paths, verges, and hedges. Without their dedication, this litter, which takes years to degrade and poses a threat to wildlife and habitats, would remain littering our streets and the local landscape indefinitely or fall for Westmorland and Furness Council to clear with the costs to local tax payers.

According to the Local Government Association, Councils across England spend around £1 billion per year dealing with littering and fly-tipping, costs the average town centre £60,000 per year (up to £56 million for 936 towns in England).

Littering is not just socially irresponsible but illegal as well. Dropping litter can result in fines up to £150 through a fixed penalty charge, in some cases offenders may face prosecution in court with fines potentially reaching £2,500 upon conviction.

Well done to the Eden Wombles local  #LitterHeroes 

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