Eden Council set to increase Penrith Leisure centre prices.

Councillor Lissie Sharp, Eden District Council cabinet member and portfolio holder for Communities Portfolio Holder is set to approve an increase to the cost of using Penrith Leisure Centre at a meeting not open to the public with only councillor Sharp and officers of the council present.

The portfolio holders meetings is set to take place on Monday the 27th of February at Penrith Town hall but is not a public meeting.

The portfolio holder is set to approve the prices with increases for using Penrith leisure center and other leisure assets currently owners by Eden Council.

The new prices are at agreement with the new Westmorland and Furness council to be set by the existing councils for 2023-2024 by the existing councils for leisure facilities in each area.

Councillor Sharp is set to approve increases including swimming and other sports and leisure prices at Penrith leisure centre.

With the proposed price for swimming for adults and over 60’s increasing 110.6% to £5.20 and 5-18year olds increasing 112.9% to £3.50.

The children’s soft play area will see a proposed 110% increase with under 2’s at £3.00 and children over 2 years old costing £5.00.

The price increases and percentages quoted in this article are taken directly from a report by Eden Council on the increases for the portfolio holder meeting taking place on Monday the 27th of February.

From the 1st of April the Penrith leisure centre, sports and leisure assets will become the property of the new Westmorland and Furness council although the running of the facilities will continue under contract by Greenwich Leisure Ltd (GLL).

It has emerged that Eden council have recently made changes to its leisure contract with GLL to remove sports grounds maintenance from the contract with this provision now managed directly with the grounds maintenance contractor.

It emerged in late 2022 that Eden council had for over a year been double paying with over £100,000 extra paid for the grounds maintenance contract. With Eden Council having paid both GLL and Ubaser directly, after GLL had been according to Eden Council reports late last year to the members of Eden Council “unable to pay the grounds maintenance contractor”.

Eden Council’s Cabinet at a meeting held in Shap in July also agreed to spend £380,000 of the council’s budget on refurbishment of the gym at Penrith leisure centre.

Eden Council also in November 2023 approved an additional grant payment of £325,000 to Greenwich leisure to cover increased energy costs.

What do you think about the increases in prices?

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