Eden Council cancel another council meeting

Eden Council was scheduled to hold a full council meeting on Thursday the 23rd of February at Penrith Town Hall.

Earlier today Eden Council again cancelled its scheduled full council meeting.
The last meeting of Eden Council’s full council was held back in November with all full council meetings since cancelled along with multiple other committee meetings since November.

Council members were informed the reason for cancellations was due to no business for the council to discuss or consider.

Eden Council members continue to receive an annual basic allowance of around £4,000 with some councillors including the council Leader receiving amounts of up to £16,000 per year from Eden Council.

Eden Council now has only one full council meeting scheduled on the 30th of March. The March 30th meeting will by the councils last ever meeting as Eden council is dissolved the next day and the new Westmorland and Furness council takes over at midnight on the 1st of April.

Eden Council had been scheduled to consider the Penrith Neighbourhood Plan moving to a public referendum at next weeks meeting after having to remove it from previous meeting, but it’s understood from a member of Eden Councils planning department that the delays has been caused by the town council who have objected to items having been removed by the independent planning inspector requiring legal advice to be taken by Eden council that has cost £5,000.

The new Westmorland and Furness council will now have to consider the future of Penrith Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan that has already seen costs of over £50,000 on its development and forecast referendum costs of approximately £30,000 to £40,000 if the new council approves the plan to proceed to a public referendum.

What do you think about the number of cancelled meetings?

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