Cumbria's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Candidates

On 2nd May, voters across Cumbria will be able to vote for Cumbria’s new Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC).

The Cumbria PFCC is responsible for both the police force and the fire and rescue service within Cumbria and is responsible for delivering efficient and effective services.

The PFCC does not “run” the police force or the fire service. Chief constables and chief fire officers continue to be responsible for the day‑to-day operations of the police force and fire service respectively, but they are accountable to the public via the PFCC.

Three candidates are standing to be the next Cumbria PFCC, alphabetically by surname (as they will appear on the ballot paper), are:

• ALLEN, David – Labour and Co-operative Party

• JOHNSON, Mike – Conservative Candidate – More Police, Safer Streets

• WAITE, Adrian – Liberal Democrat’s

Each candidate has issued an election statement:

David Allen - Labour and Co-operative Party.

I am the only candidate with 30+ years’ experience in policing and law enforcement. My priorities are to save and improve our local Police and Fire Service, putting police back on the beat, re-engaging with the public they serve, making sure that they have the resources to protect our communities and tackle the issues that matter to you.

For 30 years I served in the Police, starting as a Constable in Carlisle and serving in different ranks throughout Cumbria before joining the National Crime Agency and running the Interpol Bureau, tackling serious and organised crime affecting the UK. For the last 8 years I have worked in our local NHS where I set up Cumbria’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

My career is one of public service. I have tackled crime and disorder, held Police Officers to account when working in anti-corruption and have represented the UK in International settings.

If elected on May 2nd I will:

• Tackle Anti-Social Behaviour – Returning named officers to every community in Cumbria.

• Fight Rural Crime – Working with rural communities to identify and tackle criminals.

• Ensure our Fire Service is fully funded – Resourced and fit for purpose.

• Carry out vital community work – Funding vital community projects in Cumbria.

• Tackle and reduce domestic abuse – Improving the criminal justice system to deliver help and justice swiftly.

As your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner I will stop the £16 million worth of cuts that are planned to take place to Cumbria Constabulary by 2029. Communities in Cumbria deserve to feel safe and want to see visible policing back on the street.

If you lend me your vote on May 2nd, I will ensure that happens.

This statement has been prepared by Matthew Suddart, Election Agent on behalf of David Allen, 17 Spinners Yard, Fisher Street, CA3 8RE.

Contact details

Tel: 07562 928475



Mike Johnson - Conservative Candidate – More Police, Safer Streets

I have a track record of delivery. I have been Deputy PFCC over the last year. In that time, we’ve secured significant Government funding, crime is down, and average response times for both Police and Fire are the quickest on record. We have more Police Officers in Cumbria than ever before. I have listened to your requests for greater visibility and have introduced Community Beat Officers (CBOs). In one area alone, anti-social behaviour fell by 47% following the introduction.

I’ve worked to protect our rural communities by establishing a dedicated rural crime team and have increased the number of ‘safe and well’ visits in rural communities undertaken by the Fire Service.

I’ve also launched a new dedicated Roads Policing Unit, only made possible through record police numbers, making our roads safer.


• I will boost police numbers past the current record levels and further invest in CBOs, who will be visible to you, where it matters most.

• I will work to ensure that Cumbria remains a ‘no go’ zone for criminals and is as safe as it can be, with a focus on rural crime, roads policing and antisocial behaviour.

• I will ensure that victims are at the heart of what we do. No-one should be a victim of crime, but for those who are, I will ensure they receive the appropriate support.

• I will make our roads safer and will work with young people to educate them about the dangers. I will ensure the response to road traffic collisions is the best it can be.

• I will accelerate collaborative work between all blue light services, and I’m committed to maintaining front line services in an affordable way.

Prepared by the candidate’s agent, Andy Pratt, Boadle Ground, Carleton, Holmrook, CA19 1YX.

Contact details

Tel: 07557005573


Adrian Waite - Liberal Democrat’s

The men and women who serve in our police and fire & emergency services do an incredible job working to keep us safe. But they, and the public they serve, are being let down by the Conservatives.

The Conservatives have taken people in our county for granted for far too long, especially people living in rural areas who rarely see a police officer anymore.

We need a return to community-based policing where officers are visible and trusted so that residents feel safe in their towns and villages.

We need proper resources put into the dedicated rural crime unit so that farmers are given peace of mind.

We need to be working with local agencies and organisations to help tackle issues like anti social behaviour, and we need a youth investment fund to help develop youth services. 

Cuts and mismanagements from the Conservative Party haveresulted in our police force being left with a £16m black hole.

This is an absolute disgrace and it will be local people and families who will be forced to pay the price for the Conservatives’ neglect of Cumbria’s police force.

It’s time we did things differently.

As an accountant and a former finance director, if I was elected to be our next Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on May 2nd, I would make sure that we get value for money, with a real focus on outcomes – preventing and detecting crime and ensuring that people in Cumbria are safe.

Prepared by Paul Trollope on behalf of Adrian Waite (Liberal Democrats) both at Acland House, Yard 2, Stricklandgate, Kendal, LA9 4ND.

Contact details



The information provided by each candidate is their views and opinions or those expressed by their election agenda and do not reflect views or opinions made by Penrith.Town News or our reporting team in those statements.

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