Cranstons Penrith Shop Bid Farewell to Team Member Sylvia After 24 Years Service

Philip Cranston and shop manager Robert Henderson said a fond farewell to long-standing Cranstons team member Sylvia Dirom last week.  Sylvia served the Penrith community for 24 years from Cranstons traditional butcher’s shop in Penrith town centre and was known for her exceptional customer service.

Shop manager Robert Henderson added: “The whole team will really miss Sylvia. She has been a wonderful colleague throughout the years and a great friend. We look forward to welcoming her on the other side of the counter as a customer and to hearing about her retirement.”

Sylvia started working in Cranstons back in 1999 when the traditional shop on King Street was the only Cranstons shop in Penrith, long-standing customers will remember queuing out onto the street when visiting the shop, taking a numbered ticket at the door, and only stepping forward when their number appeared on a big digital screen.

Sylvia said ‘’I have seen some huge changes in the shop throughout the years with customer shopping habits changing, when I first started, we did not have a hot counter but it is now a big part of what we offer’’.

‘’I have been very happy here. I have enjoyed working in a friendly close-knit team and serving lots of lovely customers, there has been a lot of laughs and joy over the years’’.

When asked what she is most looking forward to in retirement Sylvia says: “I am hoping to travel more and take more holidays including a trip to Australia next year. I am very sociable so it will be lovely to have more time to spend with friends and family’

Chairman Philip Cranston expressed his thanks for the huge contribution she has made to the shop, he said: “Sylvia has been a wonderful part of the Penrith shop team and I know our King Street customers will miss her kindness and conversation. On behalf of everyone at Cranstons I would like to thank her for her hard work and dedication throughout the years and to wish her a very happy retirement’’

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