Councillors Vote to Approve Two 25 Chimney Stacks at Omega Plant

Members of Westmorland and Furness Councils Eden area planning committee held a meeting at Voreda House today to discuss two planning applications to construct two 25 meter chimneys at the Omega Proteins plant.

The first of the two applications was submitted in 2022 to the former Eden District Council for a 25m chimney stack venting treated air from a gas-powered oxidiser at Omega Proteins as a retrospective application for the chimney constructed in 2022 and is in use, operating under a Permit issued by the Environment Agency.

The second application now retrospective was submitted last year to the council for a second 25m chimney stack venting treated air from a gas-powered oxidiser at Omega Proteins. The stack has recently been installed but will only come into operation once the Environmental Permit Variation has been agreed and issued by the Environment Agency.

Objections to both applications had been submitted by local residents and by the Fresh Air for Penrith group who spokesperson and former town councillors Mr Jeff Thomson spoke at today’s planning meeting.

As part of his statement to councillors Mr Thomson said “yet another, retrospective planning application from Omega Proteins, with again, NO community consultation by either the applicant, this council or its councillors.”

“In 2019, Leo Group, owners of Omega Proteins, ‘pledged £30million to upgrade odour abatement equipment’ at its Penrith plant.”

“I don’t know and neither do you, if that happened or if it worked.”

Mr Thomson went on to say “What I do know is in 2024 the Environment Agency received 1,092 odour complaints from the Penrith area.”

“Residents, including myself, are worried Concerned, We do NOT know, no one has told us what is being pumped into the air we breathe; the air above our homes and, if it is safe”

“Before, you can approve another chimney or any further expansion at Omega, you must guarantee the emissions and odour, are safe.”

“If you cannot give us that guarantee it would dangerous, even foolhardy of you, to approve this planning application based on the one-sided, limited information you have.”

“You must put the health and quality of life of residents, before industry growth and profits. The potential harm is a lot worse than a bit of noise from some passing trains”

“It would be wholly wrong, undemocratic and unsafe for you to approve this planning application.”

The Leo Groups planning representative made representation on both applications including addressing issues raised by objectors to the application including the town council.

Penrith Town Council had originally supported both applications but last week decided to object to the second application over emissions and odour. Despite the concerns and objections, the town council did not attend the planning meeting to make representation.

The town council objection came after two town councillors claimed to be consulting with the firm and gave information to councillors about the plans.

In response the Leo Group said they were “deeply disheartened that Councillors, asserting relevant industry experience, explained the emissions report content to other Councillors present in which they provided incorrect and misleading information.”

Westmorland and Furness Councillor Eyles said he was “disappointed that nobody from Penrith Town Council had turned up” to make representation on the application after objecting.

Westmorland and Furness Council planning officers recommended that planning permission be granted for both applications Councillors voted on each application granting planning permission for both of the 25meter chimneys at the site.

Following the meeting a spokesperson for the Leo Group spoke about the figures quoted regarding complaints saying “The figures quoted by the Environment Agency are for all odour related issues in the Penrith area, and it is important to state that these are reported, but that does not mean they are substantiated.”

”In comparison, the Leo Group received 135 reports in 2024, all of which are investigated as soon as they are received.  The Leo Group continues to openly welcome members of the public to engage with them directly if they detect an odour in Penrith. This can be done via the dedicated hotline number 07976857435 or by emailing

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