Councillors facing multiple code of conduct investigations.

Over 15 councillors on Penrith Town Council and Eden District Council are understood to be facing multiple Code of Conduct investigations following complaints made against them.

Around 10 members of Penrith Town Council are facing Code of Conduct investigation after walking out of an ongoing town council meeting in December to hold a private meeting for 32 minutes. It’s claimed this resulted in the legally called town council meeting that was taking place to become inquorate and all business conducted in the meeting when the councillors had returned invalid as result of the members of the council leaving for a private meeting.

Members of Eden Councils Cabinet including the councils leader and deputy leader are also facing code of conduct investigations as a result of failure to update paperwork to make legally required declarations about there roles on the new Westmorland and Furness council.

A legally required declaration that is a criminal offence to fail to declare under the 2011 localism act and could carry a fine of upto £5000 or other charges including disqualification as a councillor.

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