Council to Receive Briefing on Review of Possible Changes to the Council by Local Government Boundary Commission

The new Westmorland and Furness Council is six months old following the government changes to the councils in Cumbria, but on Thursday afternoon at a meeting in Kendal Members of Westmorland and Furness Council will receive a briefing from the The Local Government Boundary Commission for England on the Electoral Review process for Westmorland and Furness Council that is set to take as place in July 2024.

As we reported in September the review will cover all of Cumbria covering both Westmorland and Furness Council and Cumberland Council following the structural change by government on Cumbria that took effect on the 1st of April this year replacing the former county council and 6 district councils with the two new unitary councils both formally districts council by covering services of the district and county council in the new district areas.

The Local Government Boundary Commission are an independent body accountable to Parliament who review the electoral and boundary arrangements of councils. 

They consult local people and organisations to help produce proposals and then recommendations for change to the council areas.

The commission’s main focus is a rolling programme of electoral reviews. They review councils to make sure their patterns of internal wards or electoral divisions are fair and sensible.  

If new councils are set up by government structural change orders as in Cumbria the commission carry out an electoral review and the commission may review the external boundaries of councils, and this can include changes of boundaries and even the merging of councils into one council.

The review could see the calls made by local residents busiejsses and political figures for Penrith to be returned to Cumberland considered alongside the possible creation of a single Cumbria Council proposed by the former Cumbria County Council to government in 2021.

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