Council Set to Approve Disposal of Assets List to Help Council Financial Sustainability

Westmorland and Furness Cabinet will be asked to approve a list of surplus assets for disposal to support the council’s financial sustainability at its December meeting.

Westmorland and Furness Council is faced with millions in budget funding shortfalls its has emerged that could see cuts to services and non essential projects. The disposal of assets could help Westmorland and Furness council plug some of its financial issues and reduce costs on maintenance of any assets the council dispose of. The council assets are however seen by many as vital assets in communities across the council district including many here in Penrith. 

Other Councils across the country facing financial funding gaps in recent years have also opted to dispose of assets including play parks for housing development and building to be converted into hotels, flats and shops.

Westmorland and Furness council owns approximately 1,200 separate non-housing assets, including land parcels. In addition to 559 buildings the council owns 84 car parks, 29 allotment and smallholding sites, 23 playing fields, two caravan sites, a reservoir and the bed of England’s largest lake (Windermere).

The list of 559 building Westmorland and Furness Council owns includes:

Arts and entertainment 4 

Business centres 4 

Children's & family centres 12 

Children's homes 3 Community centres and hubs 12 

Crematorium 1 

Day centres 11 

Depots 16 Elderly persons homes 9 

Family group homes 7 

Heritage assets 22 

Hostels 2 

Household waste recycling centres (HWRC) 8 

Hydrotherapy pools 1 

Industrial and workshop units 76 

Kennels 1 

Leisure centres 11 Libraries 19 

Market halls 3 

Miscellaneous structures 34 

Museums 3 

Offices (Operational) 15 

Offices (Leased out) 18 

Public conveniences 45 

Rehabilitation centres 1 

Respite care facilities 4 

Retail units 40 

Schools 147 

School houses 8 

Sheltered housing schemes 1 

Storage facilities 4 

Surplus buildings 15 

Tourist information centres 2

Separate to these, Westmorland and Furness council also owns circa 2,500 council Houses and associated Housing Infrastructure, including garage blocks.

The assets were all handed over in April to Westmorland and Furness Council when the former District councils and Cumbria County Council were scrapped as part of local government reorganisation. 

In Penrith the council assets include Castle Park, Penrith Cemetery, Voreda House, Penrith Town Hall, Mansion House, New Squares, Penrith Museum and Tourist information Centre along with a number of play parks across Penrith, Penrith Leisure Centre, Carparks plus other land and buildings including educational and industrial.

The council owned properties earmarked for the disposal list will be published shortly before the councils December cabinet meeting scheduled for the 12th December.

It’s understood among the disposal list of the councils Penrith properties will be Mansion House the former Eden Council had previously agreed to the disposal of in 2021 as part of the councils Voreda House plans.

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