Council provides opportunity for communities to apply for 20mph limits

Westmorland and Furness Council are making it easier for communities to apply for 20mph speed limits in residential areas, towns and villages.

The new application process launched today by the council makes it easier and quicker than previously, and ensures speed limits can be implemented in areas supported by local communities.

Councillor Peter Thornton, Westmorland and Furness Council's Cabinet Member for Highways and Assets, said: "We get lots of requests from residents, parish councils and schools asking whether we can help improve safety on their local roads, and often speed is the single biggest problem.

"Introducing 20mph limits in the correct places can not only make our roads safer but it can also help reduce vehicle pollution and noise and improve the area for walking and cycling.

"We have made this one of our key projects in the first year of the new council and have allocated £300,000 towards implementing new schemes.

"This new policy also demonstrates how we are already delivering our Council Plan ambitions to become carbon net zero, including supporting and promoting environmentally friendly forms of travel and making it easier and safer to walk and cycle in our area."

Town and Parish Councils will work collaboratively with residents to submit applications for schemes that must meet a minimum criteria, requiring an existing speed limit of no more than 40mph, are in a built up area that promotes active travel and have local stakeholder support.

Applications will be prioritised by the Westmorland and Furness Traffic Management Team based on considerations including evidence of accidents or incidents, whether the road(s) are on a school walking route and the number of pedestrians walking along or crossing the road(s).

Final decisions on a first phase on where to implement new 20mph limits will be taken by Locality Boards in April 2024, made up of local representatives from those communities, and proposals will be required to have community support.

The council is accepting applications for phase one of the 20mph policy until Friday 16 February 2024.  

Applications for a 20mph scheme must be supported and submitted by the local Parish or Town Council and meet eligibility criteria defined by the Westmorland and Furness Council 20mph policy, whilst encompassing guidance from Department for Transport on ‘Setting Local Speed Limits’.

Eligibility criteria includes:

Support by the local Parish or Town Council and the Westmorland and Furness Council ward member(s)

Strong local support demonstrated when Parish and Town Councils have engaged with the local community and other stakeholders.

Extent of the scheme must be within the built-up environment of the village or town where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix in a frequent and planned manner (where there is large amounts of walking, cycling and scooting taking place or likely to be in the future), except where strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe.

Have an existing speed limit of no more than 40mph.

In an environment that explains and justifies a lower speed limit to the driver; noting that main roads / arterial routes will need to be considered carefully as to whether they are justified within the extent of the scheme.

Penrith Town Council has asked for members of the community to let them know any areas they would like to see made 20mph.

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