Westmorland and Furness Council is running tennis coaching and cardio tennis fitness sessions this summer at Penrith Castle Park.
Junior tennis coaching will be delivered over two days, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 August, by Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) qualified coaches from Ullswater and Eden Junior Tennis Club.
Sessions cost £20 and include a 2-hour lesson on each of the two days.
Session times are the same each day as follows:
10:00 – 12:00 for ages 4-10 (primary age)
12:00 – 14:00 for ages 11-18 (secondary age)
The lessons are aimed at children aged 4-10 years who are just starting to play tennis, and young people aged 11-18 years with some experience who wish to develop their skills. All equipment is provided.
Sunday tennis coaching and cardio tennis for adults and juniors will be held on 11, 18 and 25 August, and 1 September from 10am-11am and cost £5 per session.
These fun sessions offer 30 minutes of tennis coaching with 30 minutes of cardio tennis, a high energy group fitness class that combines music and tennis with cardiovascular exercise.
The sessions on 11 and 25 August are for adults and young people aged 14+. Sessions on 18 August and 1 September will have two coaches and are also open to children aged 4+ who will be on a separate court.
For details and bookings, visit: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/PenrithCastlePark/Coaching.
If you have any queries or trouble booking online, contact Matty Buck by email at: Communities.Team@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk or call 01768 212286.
Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Sustainable Communities and Localities, Councillor Virginia Taylor, said:
"This is an 'ace' opportunity for children and adults, beginners and experienced, to play tennis with expert support and have fun, meet people and get moving.
"Healthy and happy lives are a priority for the council. Sports provision – from clubs through to facilities like Castle Park's tennis courts – play a really important role in helping people be healthy and happy together.
"These newly refurbished tennis courts are a great asset to the town, and I hope these sessions enable more people to benefit from them. Being active supports longer-term health and wellbeing for all, while mostly for younger people playing games like tennis have lots of benefits, improving life skills such as developing resilience and people skills, as well as planning, strategising, and building confidence."
The Penrith Castle Park all-weather tennis courts were refurbished last year and are open to the public year-round. The four courts offer floodlights and new movement sensor lamps on park footpaths to allow play during darker hours. Access is controlled via a smart gate and passcode, ensuring the security of the facilities.
Free Park Tennis sessions are also on offer by Penrith Tennis Club every Saturday 10.00-11.00am to ensure everyone has the opportunity to play. Sessions are led by members of the club with all equipment provided so anyone can come along to give tennis a try, or get tips for improving their game.
The tennis courts can also be booked on a pay and play basis for £6 per court, per hour. Tennis equipment is available for hire from the games kiosk from 10.00am to 7.00pm daily until the end of September. To book visit: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/PenrithCastlePark/Booking.