Council Collaboration Calls on Government to Extend Rural Fuel Rebate to Cover Penrith and Eden

Members of Penrith Town Council and Shap Parish Council have been thanked by Clifton Community Council after councillors of both councils voted to support a motion made by Clifton Community Council in September, calling for Government to act to Extend Rural Fuel Duty Relief to cover local Communities around Penrith and Eden.

The motion by Clifton community council debated on at a meeting on Monday evening by Penrith Town Council said “our neighbouring communities are disproportionately affected by the substantial rise in fuel prices over the past year. Car journeys in the local rural area around Clifton and across the Eden area are in general longer, and public transport services less frequent if available at all, than urban areas.”

The rural fuel rebate scheme delivers a 5p per litre reduction in the cost of fuel at the point of purchase to consumers in designated areas. Fuel stations apply the discount to the sale price after applying to HMRC to operate the rebate scheme in designated areas.

Research by the Countryside Alliance found that rural households spend an average of £2440 a year on filling up their car, £800 more than households in urban areas. 

Penrith Town Council members voted unanimously to support the motion to support the call to government made by Clifton Community Council.

Chair of Clifton Community Council Cllr Jonathan Davies extended the thanks of Clifton Community Council to Penrith Town Council and Shap Parish Council for supporting the Motion calling on Government to support our communities. Cllr Davies said “This shows the potential of local town and parish councils working together in mutual collaboration to support our communities together on issues and I hope we can use this as a catalyst for wider collaboration together to benefit our communities.”

Clifton Community Council have said they have delivered the call to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor calling for the UK government to act to extend the Rural Fuel Rebate, as well as calling on Dr Neil Hudson MP and Westmorland and Furness Council for them to support the call to extend the scheme.

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