Council Approves Additional Flights for Penrith Helipad.

Councillors today approved planning permission to allow additional helicopter flights to use an existing helipad located on Mile Lane. The application submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council was seeking planning permission for a variation to a condition attached to original application approved in 2020 which controls the number of helicopter movements allowed at Omega Proteins plant to two movements a week, one in and one out.


Council planning officers recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions to allow an increase in the number of helicopter movements. Using the existing helipad located to the south of Omega Proteins. The Formation of helicopter landing pad and footpath connecting to Omega Proteins plant was originally approved by the former Eden District Council in December 2020.


The existing planning permission for the helipad had restrictions placed that allowed no more than one helicopter movement to and one movement from the site each week.


The application councillors were today debating at Penrith Town Hall was seeking to vary the condition to allow a further two helicopter movements per week, an extra one in and one out, and on a maximum of 6 occasions each calendar year, an additional 4 helicopter movements in a week, two in and two out.

An increase of 128 movements in a calendar year with the existing landing and takeoff permission, a total of 232 helicopter movements across a calendar year.


Penrith Town Council a consultee on planning application in the parish area of Penrith raising no objection to the proposal.

However Penrith Town Councillor Jeff Thomson attended todays planning meeting to speak against the application 


Cllr Thomson objection was mainly based on his claim of a lack of consultation with the local community and claims that the environmental impact was been ignored. 

Cllr Thomson also raised worries about seagulls on the site bringing the helicopter down.


In addition to Cllr Thomson’s objections in the meeting the officers said the council had received 

four comments in objection to the proposal during the planning consultation period.

Officers summarised comments received in objection that said the application would, Be a distraction to the drivers on the M6. Increase in air pollution in the area when a perfectly good train service is available. Increase in noise pollution resulting from the additional movements. The increase in use will accelerate climate change? Impact of additional flights on natural bird life and potential safety risks? No additional jobs will be created it is only proposed for the personal use of the company owners, Concerns of the safety of the storage of fuel, Light pollution resulting from night flights.


As well as the objections council planning officers also said that a letter of support to the application was received from a resident adjacent to the site stating that they had “no objection increased use of the helipad. The helicopter is also used to bring in engineers and parts to repair the plant in emergencies (odour releases etc) and as they have the right to land anywhere else in the field unlimited times without extra permission this restriction is a waste of time and petty.”


Officers said that whilst the content and nature of the comments are duly noted, The comments received by objectors to this application in relation to ongoing issues regarding the Omega Proteins site and its operation. Whilst these comments are noted, they are not materially related to this specific planning application which must be decided on its own merits. Therefore, these comments should be afforded no weight in the determination of this planning application, and do not represent justification for the refusal of this planning application.


Planning officers recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions that 

No refuelling shall take place on the helicopter landing pad at any time. To manage the risk of pollution as the landing pad drains to the surrounding ground.

The helicopter landing pad shall not be used between the hours of 19.00 – 08.00.

Reason - To safeguard the amenity of residents living nearby.

The helipad may only be used All year round - a maximum of two helicopter landings and two take offs each week (Monday to Sunday).

On a maximum of six occasions each calendar year - two additional helicopter landings and two additional take offs are permitted in any given week (Monday to Sunday).


The Eden Local Area Planning committee members attending today’s meeting at Penrith Town hall voted to approve the application with the officer's recommended conditions attached to the approval.

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