A section of Newton Road over Castletown Bridge crossing the M6 will be closed from Monday for an expected period of one week. The closure put in place by Westmorland and Furness Council to allow Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure to carry out utility works.
The closure will prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along that section of the B5288, Newton Road, Penrith, from its junction with the C3010, extending in an easterly direction for approx 190m across Castletown Bridge.
A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times and a suitable alternative route for vehicles will be signed and available via the unrestricted section of Newton Road, Holyoake Terrace, Norfolk Road, Cromwell Road, Ullswater Road, Skirsgill Roundabout, A66 (Hutton), Barron’s Hill, Icold Road and Greystoke Road.
Access for Emergency Vehicles will not be maintained where required for the duration of these works.
The road closure order comes into operation on Monday the 22nd April 2024 and may continue in force for a maximum duration of eighteen months. However, it is anticipated that the restriction will only be required for 1 week.