Breaking News Penrith Town Councillors vote against giving People of Penrith a democratic voice.

An extraordinary meeting of Penrith Town Council was called by Cllr Davies and Cllr Clark to consider a motion to call on the new Westmorland and Furness Council to carry out a community governance review looking at placing Penrith into Cumberland.

A Community Governance Review is a legal process where Westmorland and Furness council consult with those living in the area, and other interested parties, on the most suitable ways of representing the people in the parish of Penrith in the review.

In summing up the motion Cllr Davies said that the councillors were voting to give the people of Penrith a say in were they lived and voting against the motion to carry out the governance review was voting to refuse to give the people of Penrith a voice and say on there place in the world

The meeting started at 5:15 and has just ended with the vote against the motion with all members voting against with the exception of two Penrith Town Councillors who voted for and the town mayor who abstained in the vote at the meeting.

We will bring a full report and video of the meeting shortly.

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