A66 Upgrade decision delayed until March 2024 by Secretary of State for Transport

A66 Upgrade decision delayed until March 2024 by Secretary of State for Transport in a statement laid before parliament today saying “that it has been necessary to extend the deadline for the decision on the Application by National Highways under the Planning Act 2008 for the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order (DCO).

Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act 2008, the Secretary of State must make his decision within 3 months of receipt of the Examining Authority’s report unless exercising the power under section 107(3) to extend the deadline and make a statement to the House of Parliament announcing the new deadline.

The Secretary of State received the Examining Authority’s report on the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine DCO application on 7 August 2023. The current deadline for a decision is, therefore, 7 November 2023.”

The reason for the extension government ministers have said is to allow for further consideration of matters including those not resolved at the time the Examining Authority’s Report was received by the Secretary of State. This will include the consideration of information submitted by the Applicant regarding impacts on the North Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation, to ensure compliance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.

The deadline for the decision is to be extended to 7 March 2024 an extension of 4 months.

National Highways had previously announced they hoped to commence the works in Spring 2024 if approval was granted by the Secretary of State.

Dr Neil Hudson MP for Penrith and The Border said on today’s announcement “I know I speak for all the communities along the A66 when I say that we need to progress with this dualling upgrade. For those of us who know all too well how many collisions and even fatalities take place along our stretch of the A66, we need this upgrade to make the route safer, ultimately help save lives, in addition to the economic benefits this infrastructure will bring to the region”

"I have been in close contact with the Secretary of State and Transport Ministers reinforcing just how important a positive decision is for us and will continue pushing hard for resolute action on the issue. I know a great deal of constituents have already written to me with their concerns and I will keep going on this."

National Highways said in a short statement “The Secretary of State for Transport has informed us the deadline for a decision has been extended to 7 March 2024.”

“We remain confident in our proposals and are ready to deliver the project should we receive a positive decision”

What do you think about the delay to the A66 decision?

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