10 Days left to have your say on Town Councils Draft Environment Strategy and Plan

Penrith Town Council are reminding residents they have a consultation on the councils Draft Environment Strategy & Plan open for people to give views on that is open until the 28th of June.

The town council established an Environment Task and Finish Group to investigate, discuss and consider options and measures to reduce and mitigate against environmental matters of concern to residents.

The Environment Task and Finish Group has been meeting over a period of time and has focused its work on key themes including Air Pollution, Light Pollution, Waste and Recycling and Rivers & Watercourses.

The Environment Task and Finish Group has produced a draft Environment Strategy and Plan that was approved at a meeting of the town council in May to go out to consultation.

The draft Environment Strategy & Pla  includes consideration of the development of Clean Air Zones in Penrith and the implementation of Low-Emission Zones (LEZs) along with the creation of more car-free zones where pedestrianisation and clean air are the priority.

The town council are seeking feedback on its draft Strategy and Plan from the community before bringing a final proposed plan back before the full Council for adoption as the town council Environment Strategy & Plan.

Members of the public can provide feedback on the draft Environment Strategy and Plan by completing an online town council survey 

Responses to the survey will be considered and used by the town council to inform the development of the final Environment Strategy and Plan.

The full town council Environment Strategy and Plan can be read via https://goto.penrith.town/Council-Draft-Environment-Strategy-and-Plan-2024

Find the online consultation survey at https://goto.penrith.town/Environmental-Strategy-and-Plan-Consultation

The town council Environment Strategy and Plan consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 28 June 2024.

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